Guestroom Equipment
Telecommunications: Provide two telephones
with 2 lines, a dataport and message waiting / voice mail
(one at bed nightstand and one at desk area, plus one, single
line phone at bath in accessible guestrooms and suites). Include
the following system characteristics: • Modular Jacks:
Double (1 voice / 1 data port), located at night stand and
desk area. • High Speed Internet Access (HSIA):
At data connection port of double modular jacks. Locate at
night stand and desk easily accessible to guests. •
Accessible Guest Bathrooms: Locate wall mounted phone within
guest's reach from water closet. • Suites: Provide
a cordless phone at desk and wall mounted phone within guest's
reach from water closet in Presidential and V.P. Suite bathrooms.
• Executive Level Rooms: Provide cordless phone at desk.
Television : If project
requirements dictate, provide the following commercial
grade TV unit, with the “Television Requirements”
• Type: Flat Panel, LCD, High Definition color receiver.
• Screen Size: 81 cm (32 inch) (measured diagonally)
for typical guestrooms and 94 to 107 cm (37 to 42 inch)
in suites. • Network Connectivity: Internet Protocol
(IP) Network connectivity, either shipped with the TV,
or at a minimum, available as a field upgrade. •
General Purpose Computing: Associated with IP network
capability, support for running Internet Browser software,
either shipped with the TV, or at a minimum, available
as a field upgrade.
• Guest Connectivity: Minimum of S-Video, Component
Video, Composite Video, Audio In (both RCA and Stereo
Mini-jack), and Monitor In (15 pin), connections for guest
device connectivity. Capability to dynamically detect
and configure the TV to appropriately play content from
the source device.
• Separation of Audio and Video subsystems: Ability
to display video from one source, while simultaneously
playing audio from a second source, rather than the audio
soundtrack from the video program.
Safe in Guestrooms &
Suites: Provide the following:
• Manufacturer: MiniBar, Elsafe or Safemark.
• Size: Capable of securing a laptop computer.
• Inside Dimensions: 12.5 (height) x 40 (width) x
35 cm (depth) (5 x 16 x 14 inch).
• Location: Securely anchor safe to discourage removal
and locate accessible to guest. Safe may be secured to closet
wall shelf or mounted in casegoods piece or below refreshment
countertop above cooler unit.
• Keypad: Electronic, 4 digit guest selectable access
code with battery powered memory. Provide with electronic,
emergency override feature and audit trail.
• Display: LED.
• Internal Power Outlet: Optional; confirm requirements |
Cooler Unit: mini
bar and refrigerator • Refrigerator: Provide cooling unit to hold
guest acquired cold drinks and snacks but without ice making
or ice trays. Compressor unit with custom controls; 50 liter
(1.8 ft.3) capacity manufactured by MiniBar. • Mini
Bar: <10> 60 liter (2.1 ft.3) capacity, self-service,
half size cooler for liquor, beer, wine, soda and snacks.
In regions with high labor rates, provide units with automated
service accounting for connection to computer system / PMS
<13A> <13B>. • Guestroom Safe: Secure
in location easily accessible |
to guestroom plannning main page |