Hotel Automatic
Sprinkler/Standpipe Systems
Sprinkler safety Legislation in EU Countries
must stay on a fully sprinklered hotel for your safety
System Application: Equip whole Hotel with complete hydraulically
designed combination / automatic sprinkler / standpipe system
zoned by floor.
• Auto Garages Decks: Provide sprinkler
protection, unless greater than 50% of perimeter is open
to exterior air and not under hotel footprint.
• Utility Spaces: Provide complete
sprinkler protection in electrical, mechanical, telephone
and computer rooms.
• Loading Docks and Truck Bays:
Provide sprinkler protection. If subject to freezing, provide
dry-pipe system.
• Freezer and Cooler Boxes: Protect
with dry-type heads off of area wet sprinkler system.
• Guestroom Bathrooms: Sprinklers
are not required if bathroom is less than 5.10 m2 (55 sq.
ft.). Regardless of bathroom area, sprinklers are required
when combustible tubs or shower or tub surrounds (plastic
/ fiberglass) enclosures are used. (NFPA 13)
• Closets and Pantries: Sprinklers
are not required in clothes closets, linen closets and pantries
within hotel guestrooms where the area of the space does
not exceed 2.2 m2 (24 sq. ft.). Closets and pantries with
washer, dryer, water heater, mechanical or electrical equipment
require sprinklers.
• Building Exception: Sprinkler
/ standpipe system may not be required in existing buildings
of 2 stories or less where all guestrooms exit directly
to exterior (no enclosed corridors).
. Wet-Pipe Sprinkler: Use wet-pipe sprinklers
for habitable spaces such as guestrooms, guestroom corridors,
restaurants, ballrooms / meeting rooms, public and back-ofhouse
. Dry-Pipe Sprinklers: Use dry-pipe sprinklers
in attic and unheated areas to avoid the possibility of
• Dry type heads from the wet system may be used
in small unheated areas.
• Wet sprinkler piping covered with attic insulation,
pipe insulation or heat tape is not considered“freeze
protected” and is unacceptable.
• Use galvanized steel pipe.
• Design for dry valve trip test that provides water
to the
remote inspector test assembly within 60 seconds.
• Provide system with valve, trim, tank mounted compressor,
control and test valves, gauges, pressure and high / low
air pressure switches and approved drains.
. Sprinkler Heads: Fast-response 68° to 74° C
(155° to 165° F), recessed, semi-recessed and concealed
throughout, except where listed for a particular application
as follows:
of Sprinkler Heads in Hotel
Typical Sprinkler Protection
for Hotel Guest Rooms