Hotel Guestrooms
Give the guest an option to have the towels and linens changed
every other day or longer, rather than every day. Surveys
have shown that more than 90 percent of guests like the option.
Encourage staff to close drapes and turn off lights and air
conditioning when rooms are unoccupied.
Install water-efficient fixtures, such as showerheads, aerators
and low-flow toilets in each room.
Use refillable soap and shampoo dispensers.
Encourage guests to recycle by providing clearly marked recycling
bins for cans, bottles and newspapers.
Install energy-efficient lighting fixtures in each room. Compact
fluorescent fixtures can be screwed into many existing lamps
and ceiling fixtures. To prevent theft, many hotels are installing
new fixtures with the compact fluorescent lamps hard-wired
into the fixture.
Consider purchasing Energy StarĀ®-labeled TVs and other
energy-efficient appliances.
Clean rooms with environmental cleaners to improve indoor
air quality and reduce emissions of volatile organic chemicals.
Use placards in the room to inform your guests about your
"green" efforts. You can save 13.5 gallons of freshwater
by choosing not to replace bath towels and linen daily. |