Air Diffusers
Supply air outlets and diffusing equipment introduce air into
a conditioned space to obtain a desired indoor atmospheric environment.
Return and exhaust air is removed from a space through return
and exhaust inlets. Various types of diffusing equipment are available
as standard manufactured products
Slot diffusers are deployed primarily in applications
in which suspended panel ceilings leave a narrow gap of only
16-120 mm in width.
They are suitable for installation in rooms ranging in
height from approx. 2.60 m to 4.00 m. They offer high induction,
resulting in swift reduction of the supply air temperature
differential and the air discharge velocity. The recommended
volume flow range is 25 to l/s · m, while the permissible
supply air temperature differential stands at ±10
K. The stable discharge behaviour of slot diffusers makes
them suitable for use in systems with constant or variable
volume flow. The air discharge direction can be adapted
as necessary to the desired room conditions.
Slot diffusers are generally supplied with rear-mounted
plenum box, whereby the air duct system is connected via
the side-mounted round spigot. |
Swirl diffusers consist of a diffuser face
with fixed, radially arranged air control elements. They are
available in square or round design. Connection to the air
duct system is effected via the plenum box, in either vertical
or horizontal configuration.
Swirling, horizontal discharge of the supply air at a high
induction rate guarantees swift temperature equalisation
and fast reduction of the flow velocity. Up to 30 room air
changes per hour are attainable at supply air temperatures
between +10K and -10K. In order to stabilize the supply
air flow, all sizes must be installed flush with the ceiling.
These type swirl diffusers are suitable for
deployment in both the industrial and commercial sectors.
They are suitable for both large heights (e.g. factory buildings,
airports, theatres, banking halls) and lower rooms down to
3.80 m (e.g. assembly halls).
The blades are adjustable, enabling a horizontal discharge
direction for cooling mode and a vertical discharge direction
for heating mode. Continuous adjustment can be provided by
means of appropriate variable-speed motors. Motors can be
deployed in pneumatic or electric versions. The diffusers
are connected to the air duct system via the plenum box, in
either vertical or horizontal configuration |
Floor diffusers are produced in aluminium
(FBA) and plastic (FBK). Their select variety of surface structures
and colours makes them an attractive design element for building
owners and architects. The introduction of supply air through
false floor systems is ideally carried out at locations in
which convection currents are to be supported in occupied
zones. Convection or lift currents can be caused by people,
machines or electrical devices. Air flow from the floor to
the ceiling is becoming increasingly popular in offices equipped
with computers and other electronic devices. Local thermal
loads are effectively discharged by means of this principle.
Floor diffusers are installed at locations which are not
continuously occupied. They can be deployed at distances
of as little as 40 cm from seating |
between outlet locations and patterns also affect the throw,
entrainment, and temperature equalization of a jet. Some
general characteristics include the following:
• Grilles with straight vanes project
the longest throw. When the grille is located close to a
ceiling, entrainment is restricted at the ceiling and results
in a longer throw. However, when the air pattern is spread
horizontally, the throw is reduced and the jet is flatter
so its temperature is more uniform.
• Outlets with radial airflow have a short throw and
a relatively thin jet, so the temperature in the jet is
fairly uniform. Temperature equalizes more readily in a
cooling jet, which results in less drop. • Single
jets from ceiling outlets have a longer throw and perform
like a grille. Outlets with high entrainment characteristics
can also be used advantageously in air-conditioning systems
with low supply air temperatures and consequent high temperature
differentials between the room air and the supply air. Radial
pattern ceiling diffusers may be used in systems with cooling
temperature differentials as high as 30 to 35°F and
still provide satisfactory temperature equalization in the
space. Linear diffusers may be used with cooling temperature
differentials as high as 25°F. Grilles may generally
be used in well designed systems with cooling differentials
up to 20°F.
Special diffusers are available for use with
low temperature air distribution systems (i.e., those with
supply air temperatures of 35 to 45°F and cooling differentials
as high as 40°F). Those diffusers include special features
that mix the cold supply air with room air at the outlet
and effectively reduce the temperature differential between
the supply and room air. |
Air Diffuser
Selection |
Diffuser Manufacturers |