Fan Coil Central Plant Equipment
Central equipment size is based on the block load of the entire
building at the time of the building peak load, not on the sum
of individual in-room terminal unit peak loads. Cooling load should
include appropriate diversity factors for lighting and occupant
loads. Heating load is based on maintaining the unoccupied building
at design temperature, plus an additional allowance for pickup
capacity if the building temperature is set back at night.
If water supply temperature or quantities are to be reset at
times other than at peak load, the adjusted settings must be adequate
for the most heavily loaded space in the building. An analysis
of individual room load variations is required.
If the side of the building exposed to the sun or interior zone
loads require chilled water in cold weather, the use of condenser
water with a water-to-water heat exchanger should be considered.
Varying refrigeration loads require the water chiller to operate
satisfactorily under all conditions.