The major transportation facilities are airports, ship docks,
terminals, and passenger car garages. Airplane hangars and
freight and mail buildings are also among the types of buildings
to be considered. Freight and mail buildings are usually
handled as standard warehouses.
Load Characteristics
Airports, ship docks, and bus terminals operate on a 24
h basis, with a reduced schedule during late night and early
morning hours. Airports. Terminal buildings consist of large,
open circulating areas, one or more floors high, often with
high ceilings, ticketing counters, and various types of
stores, concessions, and convenience facilities. Lighting
and equipment loads are generally average, but occupancy
varies substantially. Exterior loads are, of course, a function
of architectural design. The largest single problem often
results from thermal drafts created by large entranceways,
high ceilings, and long passageways, which have many openings
to the outdoors.
Ship Docks. Freight and passenger docks consist of large,
highceilinged structures with separate areas for administration,
visitors, passengers, cargo storage, and work. The floor
of the dock is usually exposed to the outdoors just above
the water level. Portions of the side walls are often open
while ships are in port. In addition, the large ceiling
(roof) area presents a large heating and cooling load. Load
characteristics of passenger dock terminals generally require
the roof and floors to be well insulated. Occasional heavy
occupancy loads in visitor and passenger areas must be considered.
Bus Terminals. This building type consists of two general
areas: the terminal building, which contains passenger circulation,
ticket booths, and stores or concessions, and the bus loading
area. Waiting rooms and passenger concourse areas are subject
to a highly variable people load. Occupancy density may
reach 1 m2 per person and, at extreme periods, 0.3 to 0.5
m2 per person.
Design Concepts Heating and cooling is generally centralized
or provided for each building or group in a complex. In
large, open circulation areas of transportation centers,
any all-air system with zone control can be used. Where
ceilings are high, air distribution is often along the side
wall to concentrate the air conditioning where desired and
avoid disturbing stratified air.
Perimeter areas may require heating by radiation, a fan-coil
system, or hot air blown up from the sill or floor grilles,
particularly in colder climates. Hydronic perimeter radiant
ceiling panels may be especially suited to these high-load
areas. Airports. Airports generally consist of one or more
central terminal buildings connected by long passageways
or trains to rotundas containing departure lounges for airplane
loading. Most terminals have portable telescoping-type loading
bridges connecting departure lounges to the airplanes. These
passageways eliminate the heating and cooling problems associated
with traditional permanent structure passenger loading.
Because of difficulties in controlling the air balance due
to the many outside openings, high ceilings, and long, low
passageways (which often are not air conditioned), the terminal
building (usually air conditioned) should be designed to
maintain a substantial positive pressure. Zoning is generally
required in passenger waiting areas, in departure lounges,
and at ticket counters to take care of the widely variable
occupancy loads.
Main entrances may be designed with vestibules and windbreaker
partitions to minimize undesirable air currents within the
building. Hangars must be heated in cold weather, and ventilation
may be required to eliminate possible fumes (although fueling
is seldom permitted in hangars). Gas-fired, electric, and
low- and high-intensity radiant heaters are used extensively
in hangars because they provide comfort for employees at
relatively low operating costs. Hangars may also be heated
by large air blast heaters or floorburied heated liquid
coils. Local exhaust air systems may be used to evacuate
fumes and odors that result in smaller ducted systems. Under
some conditions, exhaust systems may be portable and may
possibly include odor-absorbing devices.
Ship Docks. In severe climates, occupied floor areas may
contain heated floor panels. The roof should be well insulated,
and, in appropriate climates, evaporative spray cooling
substantially reduces the summer load. Freight docks are
usually heated and well ventilated but seldom cooled. High
ceilings and openings to the outdoors may present serious
draft problems unless the systems are designed properly.
Vestibule entrances or air curtains help minimize cross
drafts. Air door blast heaters at cargo opening areas may
be quite effective. Ventilation of the dock terminal should
prevent noxious fumes and odors from reaching occupied areas.
Therefore, occupied areas should be under positive pressure,
and the cargo and storage areas exhausted to maintain negative
air pressure. Occupied areas should be enclosed to simplify
any local air conditioning. In many respects, these are
among the most difficult buildings to heat and cool because
of their large open areas. If each function is properly
enclosed, any commonly used all-air or large fan-coil system
is suitable. If areas are left largely open, the best approach
is to concentrate on proper building design and heating
and cooling of the openings. High-intensity infrared spot
heating is often advantageous
Exhaust ventilation from tow truck and cargo areas should
be exhausted through the roof of the dock terminal. Bus
Terminals. Conditions are similar to those for airport terminals,
except that all-air systems are more practical because ceiling
heights are often lower, and perimeters are usually flanked
by stores or office areas. The same systems are applicable
as for airport terminals, but ceiling air distribution is
generally feasible. Properly designed radiant hydronic or
electric ceiling systems may be used if high-occupancy latent
loads are fully considered. This may result in smaller duct
sizes than are required for all-air systems and may be advantageous
where bus loading areas are above the terminal and require
structural beams. This heating and cooling system reduces
the volume of the building that must be conditioned. In
areas where latent load is a concern, heating-only panels
may be used at the perimeter, with a cooling-only interior
system. The terminal area air supply system should be under
high positive pressure to ensure that no fumes and odors
infiltrate from bus areas. Positive exhaust from bus loading
areas is essential for a properly operating total system
Special Considerations Airports.
Filtering outdoor air with activated charcoal filters should
be considered for areas subject to excessive noxious fumes
from jet engine exhausts. However, locating outside air
intakes as remotely as possible from airplanes is a less
expensive and more positive approach. Where ionization filtration
enhancers are used, outdoor air quantities are sometimes
reduced due to cleaner air. However, care must be taken
to maintain sufficient amounts of outside air for space
pressurization. Ship Docks. Ventilation design must ensure
that fumes and odors from forklifts and cargo in work areas
do not penetrate occupied and administrative areas. Bus
Terminals. The primary concerns with enclosed bus loading
areas are health and safety problems, which must be handled
by proper ventilation Although diesel engine fumes are generally
not as noxious as gasoline fumes, bus terminals often have
many buses loading and unloading at the same time, and the
total amount of fumes and odors may be quite disturbing.
Enclosed Garages. In terms of health and safety, enclosed
bus loading areas and automobile parking garages present
the most serious problems in these buildings. Three major
problems are encountered. The first and most serious is
emission of carbon monoxide (CO) by cars and oxides of nitrogen
by buses, which can cause serious illness and possibly death.
The second problem is oil and gasoline fumes, which may
cause nausea and headaches and can also create a fire hazard.
The third is lack of air movement and the resulting stale
atmosphere that develops because of the increased carbon
dioxide content in the air. This condition may cause headaches
or grogginess. Most codes require a minimum ventilation
rate to ensure that the CO concentration does not exceed
safe limits.
All underground garages should have facilities for testing
the CO concentration or should have the garage checked periodically.
Clogged duct systems; improperly operating fans, motors,
or dampers; clogged air intake or exhaust louvers, etc.,
may not allow proper air circulation. Proper maintenance
is required to minimize any operational defects. |