The third project in which occupancy sensors were installed is
an elementary school in Central Florida which is serving as a
pilot project to demonstrate energy savings in public buildings
similar to that achieved by the Texas LOANSTAR project (Verdict
et al. 1990). Termed FLASTAR (Florida Alliance for Saving Taxes
and Resources), the project has entailed the comprehensive metering
of a Florida elementary school with which to demonstrate energy
savings potential. Over twenty channels of weather and sub-metered
energy data has been collected since April 12, 1995.
The facility is composed of the main school building, with an
attached new wing and various portable classroom areas. All school
lighting circuits are individually sub-metered so that this end-use
can be separated. Figure 4 details the proportions of the sub-metered
end uses from electricity consumption data from April 12 to December
4, 1995 prior to the installation of the occupancy sensors. Metered
lighting energy use has averaged about 17% of total facility energy
The large "other" end-use category represents refrigeration,
kitchen cooking loads and miscellaneous end-uses such as computers,
office equipment, and water coolers. Measured electricity consumption
has totaled approximately 2,200 kWh on school days and 1,300 kWh
on non-school days. On this basis, annual estimated energy consumption
for the 35,000 square foot facility is approximately 75 kBtu/ft2.
During the summer of 1995, the first retrofit, replacement of
aging chillers was completed with an estimated 10% reduction to
measured cooling energy use at the facility (Sherwin et al. 1996).
The interior lighting system is predominantly from fluorescent
fixtures. Two-lamp fixtures based on the T-12 F34CW lamp with
magnetic ballasts are most common with 513 of this type and 133
of mixed one, three, and four-tube fixtures. As audited, the connected
lighting load is 59.0 kW or about 2.0 W/ft2. This compares to
1.4 W/ft2 for more contemporary efficiency lighting systems for
schools (McIvaine et al. 1994) and suggests potential for improved
controls. Audited classroom desk-top illuminance levels were from
76 to 85 foot candles; each room is outfitted with two wall switches
that control one half of the classroom electrical lighting.
Schedules strongly affect lighting energy consumption. The last
day of regular school occupancy for the Spring semester at Fellsmere
Elementary was on June 6, 1995. However, during the summer, some
of the faculty and secretaries were present from Monday to Thursday
from 8 AM to 3 PM. Custodians were also on site from Monday to
Thursday from 6:30 AM to 3:30 PM. Summer school was not held in
the the portion of the building metered in the project. The Fall
school schedule resumed on August 21 and continued until December
15 and faculty and staff remained until December 22. Spring session
commenced on January 3, 1996.
Since metered data showed lighting accounts for about 17% of
electrical end use at this facility, an occupancy sensor retrofit
appeared to possess considerable promise. The school staff appears
to make efforts to turn off lights after hours; however, there
are numerous data to show lights being inadvertently left on after
hours and on weekends (Sherwin 1996). A previous technical assistance
report (TAR) and analysis for the Institutional Buildings Program
(IBP) had estimated a savings for the retrofit of 25,960 kWh per
year based on an assumed 20% reduction in daily lighting hours
at the facility (Bosek, Gibson and Associates 1995). Estimated
project cost was $10,192 with a 4.1 year simple payback.
The occupancy sensors were installed on December 15th. A total
of 59 controls were installed in the facility; 39 ceiling-mounted
PIR sensors were placed in classrooms and the 20 wall-mounted
units were installed in office and administrative locations. The
total cost for the sensors and hardware was similar to that at
Northwest Elementary $5,154 (or $87/control). However, the cost
of labor for installation was much higher at $9,365. The labor
cost for the installation is difficult to reconcile since the
estimate shown by R.S. Means Mechanical Estimator is only 3.5
hours per sensor installation-- an allowance which already seems
liberal given our experience at Northwest Elementary. The TAR
estimate for the retrofit labor was $3,803. The large disparity
in labor costs for the installation are currently unexplained.
The first analysis of the measured lighting load profile for
school days showed an increase of lighting electricity consumption
of approximately 27% from 16.70 kWh/Day to 21.2 kWh per day, as
shown in Figure 5. On the other hand consumption on non-school
days dropped by 20% from 6.91 kWh/Day to 5.53 kWh. Based on previous
installation experience we suspected that the sensors were poorly
installed or improperly adjusted.
On February 22, 1996 the occupancy sensors were tuned in an effort
to increase the energy savings. Tuning consisted of reducing the
time delay from 12 minutes to approximately 7 minutes in most
areas and changing the program selection. The program dictates
which technology (ultrasonic and/or infrared) is used to initially
turn on the lights and which technology is used to keep the lights
on. Prior to tuning, either ultrasonic or infrared would turn
the lights on. This was changed to a setting where both technologies
must detect movement in order for the lights to come on. As shown
in Figure 5, this resulted in an improvement in performance, but
still did not produce effective savings.
Although the tuning reduced the light energy use, usage was still
greater after the sensors were installed and tuned than with manual
switching. We suspect this is due to false positives occurring
and inadvertent tripping of the sensors when occupants enter the
space momentarily. The reasons for the poor initial performance
seem to be a combination of factors recently described by the
county energy coordinator (Aiken 1996). The specific controls
installed were obtained through a procurement process in which
the lowest bidder was selected. The acquired equipment was found
to possess characteristics which may have compromised performance.
Based on examination of the data, it appears as if a number of
the ultrasonic sensors are falsely triggering during evening hours,
increasing consumption. Another cited complaint was the long "strike
time" of the sensors; once lights were turned off, they would
not turn back on for some 11 seconds. This led the installation
crew to alter the sensor set time delay in some locations to the
maximum available (15 minutes). As described above, both in our
studies and those performed by PNL (Richman et al. 1994), proper
setting of the device time delay is crucial to achieving potential
energy savings.
A further reduction to potential savings at the facility may
be behavioral (LaPointe 1996). Prior to installation of the control
sensors, all facility staff punctually turned off lights when
leaving unoccupied spaces. However, now staff leaves all occupancy
sensor switches with the room lights to be triggered on when an
occupant enters spaces. Based on observation by facility staff,
lights are now on more of the time in the average classroom than
they were prior to the retrofit since the typical space is left
on for 7-minutes after it is vacated until the occupancy sensor
turns off the lighting. Also, even a momentary visit by a single
individual to a room or rooms in this configuration will result
in the lights being on for 7 minutes, whereas they would likely
not be powered at all in this instance under manual control. Regardless,
the failure in this case of the addition of occupancy sensors
to produce savings as installed, points to the importance of proper
specification of equipment, a careful installation and setup,
and adequate instruction to users. Such commission is critical
to achieving expected energy savings.