Dust Collectors,Inertial
Inertial Separators Inertial separators
separate dust from gas streams using a combination of forces,
such as centrifugal, gravitational, and inertial. These
forces move the dust to an area where the forces exerted
by the gas stream are minimal. The separated dust is moved
by gravity into a hopper, where it is temporarily stored.
The three primary types of inertial separators are: |
*Settling Dust Collectors |
Settling collectors separate dust from the dusty air stream
by using a settling chamber (a large box) in ductwork carrying
dusty air. When the dust filled air stream enters the large
settling chamber its speed come down considerably owing to
the sudden increase in size of its passage. Heavier dust particles
settle out due to gravity from the slow air stream and are
collected. |
* Baffle Dust Collectors |
Baffle collectors have a baffle plate (a flat plate) in
the path of the dust filled air stream to slow it down. The
air stream strikes the baffle plate and undergoes a sudden
change in direction. The air stream flow and the baffle are
designed in a way that the stream is first forced in a downward
direction, followed by an upward 180 degree turn. With such
abrupt changes in direction, the air flow slows down sharply.
The heavier dust particles either strike the baffle plates
due to their inertia or settle out by gravity when the flow
slows down and slide into the hopper where they are collected.
As they collect, the larger dust particles mop up the finer
particles that escape the action of gravity and inertia, and
improve the overall efficiency. |
* Centrifugal
Dust Collectors |
Cyclones (or centrifugal collectors) create a ‘cyclonic’
or centrifugal force, similar to water going down a drain,
to separate dust from the polluted air stream. The centrifugal
force is created when dust filled air enters the top of the
cylindrical collector at an angle and is spun rapidly downward
in a vortex (similar to a whirlpool action). As the air flow
moves in a circular fashion downward, heavier dust particles
are thrown against the walls of the collector, collect, and
slide down into the hopper. |