VALVES are the manual or automatic fluid-controlling
elements in a piping system. They are constructed to withstand
a specific range of temperature, pressure, corrosion, and
mechanical stress. The designer selects and specifies the
proper valve for the application to give the best service
for the economic requirements. Valves have some of
the following primary functions:
• Starting, stopping, and directing flow
• Regulating, controlling, or throttling flow
• Preventing backflow
• Relieving or regulating pressure |
GATE VALVES Gate Valves are designed
to operate fully open or fully closed. Because they operate
slowly they prevent fluid hammer, which is detrimental to
piping systems. There is very little pressure loss through
a gate valve. In the fully closed position, gate valves
provide a positive seal under pressure. However, under very
low pressure, i.e. 5 psi, light seepage would not be considered
abnormal with this kind of valve. |
BALL VALVES Ball Valves are also designed
to be operated fully open or fully closed with any liquid
containing particles that could scratch the ball. Many people
use them successfully for throttling clear water. Ball valves
have low pressure drops, open and close quickly, are simple,
and are trouble free. With the development of Teflon seals,
ball valves have grown in popularity. Opening or closin
a ball valve too quickly can cause fluid hammer.
BUTTERFLY VALVES Butterfly valves,
like ball valves, operarte with a 1/4 turn. They are generally
used for handling large flows of gases or liquids, including
slurries, but should not be used for throttling for extended
periods of time. They are also very compact relative to
flanged gate and ball valves.
GLOBE VALVES Globe valves, as is the
case with all valve designs, have both advantagesand disadvantages.
Like a gate, they close slowly to prevent fluid hammer.
You can throttle the flow and they will not leak under low
pressure when they are shut off. Flow and pressure control
valves as well as hose bibs generally use the globe pattern.
The disadvantage of this design is that the "Z"
pattern restricts flow more than the gate, ball, or butterfly
All psi ratings apply to water, oil, or gas. Steam is usually
derated by one half. (250 psi water or 125 psi steam). For
more information on valve selection and service, see our
catalog's Reference section or look in the index for the
book, "Valve Selection and Maintenance Guide
PLUG VALVES Like the gate valve, a
plug valve has an unobstructed flow, yet requires only a
90 degree turn to open it. It also requires very little
headroom. Stem corrosion is minimal because there are no
screw threads. Almost all plug valves now are furnished
with an elastomer-coated plug and will seal off driptight.
However, plug valves are available in much larger sizes
than ball valves and are highly suitable for use in wastewater
| |
Valves are simple electrically operated devices. The valve
plug is held in place by a spring. When electric power is
applied to the solenoid (Energized), the current draw through
the coil generates an electromagnetic force which opposes
the spring, causing the plug to change position. When power
is taken away (De-energized), the spring returns the plug
to the normal position. Solenoid valves are ideal for fluid
shutoff and switching in general service applications. Proportional
solenoid control valves are available for modulating service.
Selection of valves |
Valve Actuators |
Balancing Valves |
Safety Valves |
Self-contained or self-operated
temperature control valves |
Pressure Reducing
Valves |
Makeup Water Valves |
Check valves |
Backflow prevention valves |