5 * Hotel Commercial Kitchen Mechanical
Standarts |
• Variable Air Volume (VAV) Systems:
Use VAV systems with variable speed drives to serve areas
with similar occupancies and hours of operation but different
load conditions (Ballrooms, multiple retail shops and gift
shops, and administrative offices). Do not use VAV
systems in laundries and kitchens. |
Kitchen Make-up Air Units:
Provide separate make-up
air unit to supply 100% outside air into each kitchen hood
or group of hoods over a single food preparation area.
• Type: Factory fabricated with gas, hot water or
electric heat to ensure that air introduced into kitchen
has a temperature above 18.3° C (65° F). This avoids
cold drafts that are objectionable to staff and ensures
that grease will not coagulate on filters. Provide cooling
as required to temper supply air to 27° C (80° F)
maximum in summer.
• Sizing: Makeup air shall be no more than 80% of
the total hood exhaust quantity.
• Controls: Interlock via current sensors with hood
exhaust fan and provide on/off control at each kitchen hood
location. |
. Kitchen Hood Exhaust: Provide
dedicated hood exhaust duct system for each hood in the
kitchen in a 2- hour fire-rated enclosure with cleanout
and sprinkler head access doors. Provide dedicated hood
exhaust duct system for the bakery.
• Cleanouts / Access Doors: Locate at base of vertical
riser, at every change in direction, and at sprinkler heads.
Maximum spacing of 6 m (20 ft.) in horizontal; maximum spacing
of every third floor of vertical riser.
• Sizing: Based on velocity of 7.5 m/sec (1,500 fpm)
to 10 m/sec (2,000 fpm) to prevent grease from accumulating
in ducts and to ensure grease not trapped in hood filters
is exhausted away from building.
• Exhaust Fan: High velocity discharge at 13 m/sec
(2,500 fpm) with drain plug and removable stainless steel
drain pan.
• Location: Roof mounted to disperse exhaust away
from building and to prevent reentry of contaminated air
into outside air intakes. Position fan so that entire kitchen
exhaust system is under negative pressure.
• Dampers: Not acceptable in grease exhaust systems.
• Insulation: Provide 50 mm (2 inch) high temperature
fiberglass insulation with all-service jacket on entire
grease exhaust duct.
• Consider use of exhaust hoods with Ultraviolet grease
removal system.
3. Miscellaneous:
• Dedicated kitchen dishwasher exhaust and laundry
ironer exhaust is welded stainless steel duct sloped back
to equipment for drainage of condensation and ducted directly
to outside of building.
• Do not connect dishwasher exhaust to kitchen hood
exhaust system or to other building exhaust systems. |
Smoke control system Sequence of Operation:
Smoke control system is initiated via a signal through fire
alarm panel from an area smoke detector. • Upon
activation, the air handling unit that supplies the smoke
zone shuts down, outside air and return air dampers close,
exhaust / relief damper opens and the smoke exhaust fan starts.
• Supply, return and exhaust fans for HVAC systems
in all other zones remain in normal operating mode. •
In hotels with variable air volume (VAV) systems, allow for
air handling unit supply fan and VAV boxes at 100% open mode.
4. Kitchen Hood and Duct: <10> Sequence of operation
is as follows: • Initiated via a signal through
the fire alarm system from exhaust hood water flow switch
or control unit. • Hood exhaust fan continues to
operate in normal mode. • Hood make-up air unit
shuts off. • Supply, return and exhaust fa |
Kitchens (F&B ) Inside Conditions
Cooling °C (°F) %RH......... =26.6(80)/50%RH
Heating °C (°F)..................................
Occupancy (m2/person )(ft2 / Person)=4.6(50)
Ventilation (m2/hr/person (cfm / Person)= 50(30)
Lighting Load (watts / ft2 ) (watts / m 2) =32(3) |
* Hotel Commercial Kitchen General Standarts |
of the kitchen |
,the products |
resources |
,Hygiene aspects |
,Layout |
,Ventilation |
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