Office Buildings |
Load Characteristics
Office buildings usually include both peripheral and interior
zone spaces. The peripheral zone extends from 3 to 3.6 m
inward from the outer wall toward the interior of the building
and frequently has a large window area. These zones may
be extensively
subdivided. Peripheral zones have variable loads because
of changing sun position and weather. These zone areas typically
require heating in winter. During intermediate seasons,
one side of the building may re However, the interior zone
spaces usually require a fairly uniform cooling rate throughout
the year because their thermal loads are derived almost
entirely from lights, office equipment, and people. Interior
space conditioning is often by systems that have variable
air volume control for low- or no-load conditions.
Most office buildings are occupied from approximately 8:00
A.M. to 6:00 P.M.; many are occupied by some personnel from
as early as 5:30 A.M. to as late as 7:00 P.M. Some tenants’
operations may require night work schedules, usually not
to extend beyond 10:00 P.M. Office buildings may contain
printing plants, communications operations, broadcasting
studios, and computing centers, which could operate 24 h
per day. Therefore, for economical airconditioning design,
the intended uses of an office building must be well established
before design development.
Occupancy varies considerably. In accounting or other sections
where clerical work is done, the maximum density is approximately
one person per 7 m2 of floor area. Where there are private
offices, the density may be as little as one person per
19 m2. The most serious cases, however, are the occasional
waiting rooms, conference rooms, or directors’ rooms
where occupancy may be as high as one person per 2 m2. The
lighting load in an office building constitutes a significant
part of the total heat load. Lighting and normal equipment
electrical loads average from 10 to 50 W/m2 but may be considerably
higher, depending on the type of lighting and the amount
of equipment. Buildings with computer systems and other
electronic equipment can have electrical loads as high as
50 to 110 W/m2. An accurate appraisal should be made of
the amount, size, and type of computer equipment anticipated
for the life of the building to size the airhandling equipment
properly and provide for future installation of air-conditioning
About 30% of the total lighting heat output from recessed
fixtures can be withdrawn by exhaust or return air and,
therefore, will not enter into space-conditioning supply
air requirements. By connecting a duct to each fixture,
the most balanced air system can be provided. However, this
method is expensive, so the suspended ceiling is often used
as a return air plenum with the air drawn from the space
to above the suspended ceiling.
Miscellaneous allowances (for fan heat, duct heat pickup,
duct leakage, and safety factors) should not exceed 12%
of the total load. Building shape and orientation are often
determined by the building site, but certain variations
in these factors can produce increases of 10 to 15% in the
refrigeration load. Shape and orientation should therefore
be carefully analyzed in the early design ges.
Design Concepts
The variety of functions and range of design criteria applicable
to office buildings have allowed the use of almost every
available airconditioning system. While multistory structures
are discussed here, the principles and criteria are similar
for all sizes and shapes of office buildings. Attention
to detail is extremely important, especially in modular
buildings. Each piece of equipment, duct and pipe connections,
and the like may be duplicated hundreds of times. Thus,
seemingly minor design variations may substantially affect
construction and operating costs. In initial design, each
component must be analyzed not only as an entity, but also
as part of an integrated system. This systems design approach
is essential for achieving optimum results. There are several
classes of office buildings, determined by the type of financing
required and the tenants who will occupy the building. Design
evaluation may vary considerably based on specific tenant
requirements; it is not enough to consider typical floor
patterns only. Included in many larger office buildings
are stores, restaurants, recreational facilities, data centers,
telecommunication centers, radio and television studios,
and observation decks. Built-in system flexibility is essential
for office building design. Business office procedures are
constantly being revised, and basic building services should
be able to meet changing tenant needs.
The type of occupancy may have an important bearing on the
selection of the air distribution system. For buildings
with one owner or lessee, operations may be defined clearly
enough that a system can be designed without the degree
of flexibility needed for a less well-defined operation.
However, owner-occupied buildings may require considerable
design flexibility because the owner will pay for all alterations.
The speculative builder can generally charge alterations
to tenants. When different tenants occupy different floors,
or even parts of the same floor, the degree of design and
operation complexity increases to ensure proper environmental
comfort conditions to any tenant, group of tenants, or all
tenants at once. This problem is more acute if tenants have
seasonal and variable overtime schedules. Stores, banks,
restaurants, and entertainment facilities may have hours
of occupancy or design criteria that differ substantially
from those of office buildings; therefore, they should have
their own air distribution systems and, in some cases, their
own heating and/or refrigeration equipment.
Main entrances and lobbies are sometimes served by a separate
system because they buffer the outside atmosphere and the
building interior. Some engineers prefer to have a lobby
summer temperature 2 to 3.5 K above office temperature to
reduce operating cost and thetemperature shock to people
entering or leaving the building.
The unique temperature and humidity requirements of data
processing installations and the fact that they often run
24 h per day for extended periods generally warrant separate
refrigeration and air distribution systems. Separate backup
systems may be required for data processing areas in case
the main building HVAC system fails.
The degree of air filtration required should be determined.
The service cost and the effect of air resistance on energy
costs should be analyzed for various types of filters. Initial
filter cost and air pollution characteristics also need
to be considered. Activated charcoal filters for odor control
and reduction of outdoor air requirements are another option
to consider. Providing office buildings with continuous
100% outdoor air is seldom justified; therefore, most office
buildings are designed to minimize outdoor air use, except
during economizer operation. However, attention to indoor
air quality may dictate higher levels of ventilation air.
In addition, the minimum volume of outdoor air should be
maintained in variable volume air-handling systems. Drybulb
or enthalpy controlled economizer cycles should be considered
for reducing energy costs.
When an economizer cycle is used, systems should be zoned
so that energy waste will not occur due to heating of outside
air. This is often accomplished by a separate air distribution
system for the interior and each major exterior zone. High-rise
office buildings have traditionally used perimeter dual-duct,
induction, or fan-coil systems. Where fan-coil or induction
systems have been installed at the perimeter, separate all-air
systems have generally been used for the interior. More
recently, variable air volume systems, including modulated
air diffusers and self-contained perimeter unit systems,
have also been used. If variable air volume systems serve
the interior, perimeters are usually served by variable
volume or dual-duct systems supplemented with fan-powered
terminals, terminals with reheat coils, or radiation (ceiling
panels or baseboard). The perimeter systems can be hydronic
or electric.
Many office buildings without an economizer cycle have a
bypass multizone unit installed on each floor or several
floors with a heating coil in each exterior zone duct. Variable
air volume variations of the bypass multizone and other
floor-by-floor, all-air systems are also being used. These
systems are popular due to low fan power, low initial cost,
and energy savings resulting from independent operating
schedules, which are possible between floors occupied by
tenants with different operating hours.
Perimeter radiation or infrared systems with conventional,
single- duct, low-velocity air conditioning that furnishes
air from packaged air-conditioning units or multizone units
may be more economical for small office buildings. The need
for a perimeter system, which is a function of exterior
glass percentage, external wall thermal value, and climate
severity, should be carefully analyzed. A perimeter heating
system separate from the cooling system is preferable, since
air distribution devices can then be selected for a specific
duty rather than as a compromise between heating and cooling
performance. The higher cost of additional air-handling
or fancoil units and ductwork may lead the designer to a
less expensive
option, such as fan-powered terminal units with heating
coils serving perimeter zones in lieu of a separate heating
system. Radiant ceiling panels for the perimeter zones are
another option. Interior space usage usually requires that
interior air-conditioning systems permit modification to
handle all load situations. Variable air volume systems
are often used. When using these systems, a careful evaluation
of low-load conditions should be made to determine whether
adequate air movement and outdoor air can be provided at
the proposed supply air temperature without overcooling.
Increases in supply air temperature tend to nullify energy
savings in fan power, which are characteristic of variable
air volume systems. Low-temperature air distribution for
additional savings in transport energy is seeing increased
use, especially when coupled with an ice In small to medium-sized
office buildings, air-source heat pumps may be chosen. In
larger buildings, internal source heat pump systems (water-to-water)
are feasible with most types of air-conditioning systems.
Heat removed from core areas is rejected to either a cooling
tower or perimeter circuits. The internal source heat pump
can be supplemented by a central heating system or electrical
coils on extremely cold days or over extended periods of
limited occupancy. Removed excess heat may also be stored
in hot water tanks. Many heat recovery or internal source
heat pump systems exhaust air from conditioned spaces through
lighting fixtures. Approximately 30% of lighting heat can
be removed in this manner. One design advantage is a reduction
in required air quantities. In addition, lamp life is extended
by operation in a much cooler ambient environment. Suspended
ceiling return air plenums eliminate sheet metal return
air ductwork to reduce floor-to-floor height requirements.
However, suspended ceiling plenums may increase the difficulty
of proper air balancing throughout the building. Problems
often connected with suspended ceiling return plenums are
as follows: • Air leakage through cracks, with resulting
smudges • Tendency of return air openings nearest
to a shaft opening or collector duct to pull too much air,
thus creating uneven air motion and possible noise •
Noise transmission between office spaces Air leakage can
be minimized by proper workmanship. To overcome drawing
too much air, return air ducts can be run in the suspended
ceiling pathway from the shaft, often in a simple radial
pattern. The ends of the ducts can be left open or dampered.
Generous sizing of return air grilles and passages lowers
the percentage of circuit resistance attributable to the
return air path. This bolsters effectiveness of supply air
balancing devices and reduces the significance
of air leakage and drawing too much air. Structural blockage
can be solved by locating openings in beams or partitions
with fire dampers, where required.
Spatial Requirements Total office building electromechanical
space requirements vary tremendously based on types of systems
planned; however, the average is approximately 8 to 10%
of the gross area. Clear height required for fan rooms varies
from approximately 3 to 5.5 m, depending on the distribution
system and equipment complexity. On office floors, perimeter
fan-coil or induction units require approximately 1 to 3%
of the floor area. Interior air shafts and pipe chases require
approximately 3 to 5% of the floor area. Therefore, ducts,
pipes, and equipment require approximately 4 to 8% of each
floor’s gross area. Where large central units supply
multiple floors, shaft space requirements depend on the
number of fan rooms. In such cases, one mechanical equipment
room usually furnishes air requirements for 8 to 20 floors
(above and below for intermediate levels), with an average
of 12 floors. The more floors served, the larger the duct
shafts and equipment required. This results in higher fan
room heights and greater equipment size and mass.
The fewer floors served by an equipment room, the more equipment
rooms will be required to serve the building. This axiom
allows greater flexibility in serving changing floor or
tenant requirements.
Often, one mechanical equipment room per floor and complete
elimination of vertical shafts requires no more total floor
area than a few larger mechanical equipment rooms, especially
when there are many small rooms and they are the same height
as typical floors. Equipment can also be smaller, although
maintenance costs will be higher. Energy costs may be reduced,
with more equipment rooms serving fewer areas, because the
equipment can be shut off in unoccupied areas, and high-pressure
ductwork will not be required. Equipment rooms on upper
levels generally cost more to install because of rigging
and transportation logistics.
In all cases, mechanical equipment rooms must be thermally
and acoustically isolated from office areas. Cooling Towers.
Cooling towers are the largest single piece of equipment
required for air-conditioning systems. Cooling towers require
approximately 1 m2 of floor area per 400 m2 of total building
area and are from 4 to 12 m high. When towers are located
on the roof, the building structure must be capable of supporting
the cooling tower and dunnage, full water load (approximately
590 to 730 kg/m2), and seismic and wind load stresses.
Where cooling tower noise may affect neighboring buildings,
towers should be designed to include sound traps or other
suitable noise baffles. This may affect tower space, mass
of the units, and motor power. Slightly oversizing cooling
towers can reduce noise and power consumption due to lower
speeds, but this may increase
the initial cost. Cooling towers are sometimes enclosed
in a decorative screen for aesthetic reasons; therefore,
calculations should ascertain that the screen has sufficient
free area for the tower to obtain its required air quantity
and to prevent recirculation.
If the tower is placed in a rooftop well or near a wall,
or split into several towers at various locations, design
becomes more complicated, and initial and operating costs
increase substantially. Also, towers should not be split
and placed on different levels because hydraulic problems
increase. Finally, the cooling tower should be built high
enough above the roof so that the bottom of the tower and
the roof can be maintained properly.
Special Considerations
Office building areas with special ventilation and cooling
include elevator machine rooms, electrical and telephone
closets, electrical switchgear, plumbing rooms, refrigeration
rooms, and mechanical equipment rooms. The high heat loads
in some of these rooms may require air-conditioning units
for spot cooling. In larger buildings having intermediate
elevator, mechanical, and electrical machine rooms, it is
desirable to have these rooms on the
same level or possibly on two levels. This may simplify
the horizontal ductwork, piping, and conduit distribution
systems and permit more effective ventilation and maintenance
of these equipment rooms. An air-conditioning system cannot
prevent occupants at the perimeter from feeling direct sunlight.
Venetian blinds and drapes are often provided but seldom
used. External shading devices (screens, overhangs, etc.)
or reflective glass are preferable. Tall buildings in cold
climates experience severe stack effect. The extra amount
of heat provided by the air-conditioning system in attempts
to overcome this problem can be substantial.
The following features help combat infiltration due to
the stack effect
: • Revolving doors or vestibules at exterior entrances
• Pressurized lobbies or lower floors
• Tight gaskets on stairwell doors leading to the
• Automatic dampers on elevator shaft vents
• Tight construction of the exterior skin
• Tight closure and seals on all dampers opening to
the exterior