FIRST (FIRe Simulation Technique) is the direct
descendant of the HARVARD V program developed by Howard
Emmons and Henri Mitler. The fire may be entered either
as a user-specified time-dependent mass loss rate
or in terms of fundamental properties of the fuel.
In the latter case, the program will predict the fire
growth rate by considering the changing oxygen concentration
and smoke layer conditions in the room of fire origin.
It can also predict the heating and possible ignition
of up to three targets. The original fire and targets
may also be user specified fires. The required program
inputs are the geometrical data describing the rooms
and openings, and the thermophysical properties of
the ceiling, walls, burning fuel, and targets. The
generation rate of soot must be specified, and the
generation rates of other species may be specified
as a yield of the pyrolysis rate. Among the program
outputs are the temperature and thickness of, and
species concentrations in, the hot upper layer and
also in the cooler, lower layer in each compartment.
Also given are wall surface temperatures, heat transfer
rates and mass flow rates. The FIRST program was written
in FORTRAN and is maintained by H. Mitler. |