1.1.1 Firestop System; means a specific construction consisting
of any device intended to close off an
opening or penetration during a fire and/or materials that fill
an opening in a wall or floor assembly where
penetration is by cables, cable trays, conduits, ducts, pipes
and any poke through termination device,
such as electrical outlet boxes along with their means of support
through the wall or the floor opening.
(ref: ASTM E-814)
1.1.2 Firestop System Report; means results reported in accordance
with the performance in the tests
prescribed in the ASTM E-814 methods. Reports shall include the
assembly, the materials and
penetrating items of the tested Firestop Systems and each condition
shall be identified and described.
Drawings depicting geometry, exact size (length-width-thickness)
and location of firestop systems within
the test assembly shall be recorded. (ref: ASTM E-814 )
1.1.3 Listed System Design; means an informational listing by
an Accredited Testing Agency developed
from Firestop Systems Reports depicting the correct use and installation
of firestop materials. These
published listings contain drawings depicting geometry, minimum/maximum
dimensions for all the
individual components tested including penetration item type and
size, annular space, insulating
materials used, substrate types and thickness, sealant types and
thickness, etc.
1.1.4 Fire Compartment; means a enclosed space in a building that
is separated from all other parts of the
building by enclosing construction providing a Fire Separation
having a required fire-resistance rating.
Fire Compartments are also referred to as Fire Zones.
1.1.5 Fire Resistance Rating; means the time in hours or fraction
thereof that a material or assembly of
materials will withstand the passage of flame and the transmission
of heat when exposed to fire under
specified conditions of test and performance criteria, or as determined
by extension of interpretation
derived therefrom as prescribed in the National Building Code.
1.1.6 Fire Separation; means a construction assembly that acts
as a barrier against the spread of fire.
1.1.7 Firewall; means a type of fire separation of noncombustible
construction which subdivides a building or
separates adjoining buildings to resist the spread of fire and
which has a fire-resistance rating and has
structural ability to remain intact under fire conditions for
the required fire-rated time.
1.1.8 Combustible Construction; means that type of construction
that does not meet the requirement for
noncombustible construction. Combustible means that a material
fails to meet the acceptance criteria of
Standard Method of test for determination of non-combustibility
in Building Materials.
1.1.9 Noncombustible Construction; means that type of construction
in which a degree of fire safety is
attained by the use of noncombustible materials for structural
members and other building assemblies.
Noncombustible means that a material meets the acceptance criteria
of , (Standard Method of test for
determination of non-combustibility in Building Materials).
1.1.10 Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ); means the governmental
body responsible for the enforcement
of any part of the Standard Codes or the official or agency designated
by that body to exercise such a
function and/or the Architect.
1.1.11 Service Penetration; means any hole or void created in
the faces or edges of Fire Separations or
Firewalls for Mechanical and Electrical through penetrations or
poke through termination devices and/or
other building services.
1.1.12 Firestop Material; means any material used individually
or as a component to create a onsite or off site
ASTM E-814 Firestop Systems.
1.1.13 Single Component Firestop System; means a Firestop Material
that has a Listed Systems Design and
is used individually without the use of high temperature insulation
or other materials to create a firestop
1.1.14 Multiple Component Firestop System; means a group of Firestop
Materials that are used within a
Listed Systems Design to create a Firestop System.
1.1.15 Smoke Seal; means an elastomeric sealant material that
has been used for a Single Component
Firestop System and that has a ASTM E-84 flame spread rating of
25 or less.
1.1.16 Tightly Fitted; means penetrating items that are cast in
place in Noncombustible Construction or have
“0” annular space in Combustible Construction. In
Combustible Construction Fire Separations each
assembly of this type must have a Smoke Seal.
1.1.16 Third Party Testing Agency; means any accredited Standards
Council notified testing agency
approved to perform Fire Endurance Testing as outlined in this
section of Work which includes any of the
following agencies: Underwriters Laboratories (United States), CUL mark.. Inchcape Testing Service NA Ltd. (formerly Warnock Hersey),
WH mark
1.2.1 Work of this Section comprises Firestop Materials and Listed
Systems Designs intended to act as
Firestop Systems and Smoke Seals at openings around penetrations,
at unpenetrated openings, at
projecting or recessed items, and at openings and joints within
and around Fire Separations and
1.2.2 Provide seals in all Fire Rated Separations and Firewalls
to form tight barriers to retard the passage of
flame and smoke.
1.2.3 The installed seals shall provide and maintain the fire
resistance rating of the adjacent floor, wall or other
fire separation assembly to the requirements of ASTM E-814 and
acceptable to Authorities Having
Jurisdiction and the Architect.
1.2.4 Firestop and smoke seals within mechanical (i.e. inside
sleeves, ducts, dampers) and electrical
assemblies (i.e. inside electrical bus ducts, conduits) shall
be provided as part of the Work of Divisions
15 and 16 respectively. Firestop and Smoke Seal around the outside
of such mechanical, and electrical
assemblies where they penetrate Fire Rated Separations and Firewalls
shall form part of the Work of this
1.2.5 Fluid seals as well as fire and smoke seals are required
for all floor penetrations in Laboratories and
Operating Rooms in Hospitals, Universities and Schools.