BREAK1 (Berkeley Algorithm for Breaking Window
Glass in a Compartment Fire) is a program which calculates
the temperature history of a glass window exposed
to user described fire conditions. The calculations
are stopped when the glass breaks. The inputs required
are the glass thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity,
absorption length, breaking stress, Young's modulus,
thermal coefficient of linear expansion, thickness,
emissivity, shading thickness, half-width of window,
the ambient temperature, numerical parameters and
the time histories of flame radiation from the fire,
hot layer temperature and emissivity, and heat transfer
coefficients. The outputs are temperature history
of the glass normal to the glass surface, and the
window breakage time. BREAK1 was written in FORTRAN
by A.A. Joshi and P.J. Pagni, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, University of California at Berkeley
supported by a grant from the National Institute of
Standards and Technology. |