CCFM (Consolidated Compartment Fire Model version
VENTS) is a two-layer zone-type compartment fire model
computer code. It simulates conditions due to user-specified
fires in a multi-room, multi-level facility. The required
inputs are a description of room geometry and vent
characteristics (up to 9 rooms, 20 vents), initial
state of the inside and outside environment, and fire
energy release rates as a functions of time (up to
20 fires). If simulation of concentrations of products
of combustion is desired, then product release rates
must also be specified (up to three products). Vents
can be simple openings between adjacent spaces (natural
vents) or fan/duct forced ventilation systems between
arbitrary pairs of spaces (forced vents). For forced
vents, flow rates and direction can be user-specified
or included in the simulation by accounting for user-specified
fan and duct characteristics. Wind and stack effects
can be taken into account. The program outputs for
each room are pressure at the floor, layer interface
height, upper/lower layer temperature and (optionally)
product concentrations. CCFM (version VENTS) is supported
by four-part documentation: Part I - Physical Basis,
L.Y. Cooper and G.P. Forney; Part II - Software Reference
Guide, G.P. Forney and L.Y. Cooper; Part III - Catalog
of Algorithms and Subroutines, L.Y. Cooper and G.P.
Forney, Eds.; and Part IV - User Reference Guide,
G.P. Forney, L.Y. Cooper, and W.F. Moss. CCFM (version
VENTS) was written in FORTRAN by G.P. Forney and L.Y.
CCFMPLT is a graphics program which runs in
conjunction with CCFM. The results from CCFM are sent
to a user specified data file at each prescribed time
step. CCFMPLT plots this data on an IBM-PC compatible
microcomputer and can optionally provide hardcopy
output. CCFMPLT was written in FORTRAN by G.P. Forney.