FC 403, Standard for Fire Sprinkler
Systems, November 1994 |
11. Earthquake Protection
11.1 Design References
- Sprinkler systems including underground water mains
shall be protected to minimize or prevent pipe breakage
where subject to earthquakes in accordance with NFPA 13,
"Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems".
- Alternative methods of providing earthquake protection
of sprinkler systems based on a dynamic seismic analysis
certified by a registered professional engineer such that
system performance will be at least equal to that of the
building structure under expected seismic forces.
11.2 Requirements
Sprinkler systems including underground water mains shall
be designed and installed to minimize or prevent pipe breakage
in :
- post-disaster buildings (See Appendix), and
- buildings located in a velocity-related seismic zone
of Zv 4, in an acceleration-related seismic zone of Za
4 and in an area having a peak ground acceleration value
of g 0.2 (See Appendix).
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