Appendix A
Documents (drawings, specifications and hydraulic calculations)
shall have, but not limited to, the following information:
- Building
- location and orientation of the building,
- building occupancy,
- type of construction of the building,
- building area in mē,
- building height in storeys and in m., and
- location of concealed spaces.
- Suppression System
- type and location of sprinkler systems and the capacity
if it is a dry-pipe system,
- type and typical location of sprinklers,
- type and typical location of piping,
- type and typical location of hangers,
- type, location, capacity and number of pumps and
- location of pump test headers,
- location of hydrants,
- location and size of water supply mains,
- location and size of feed mains and risers,
- location and size of standpipe and hose,
- location and size of valves,
- location and size of fire department connections,
- water flow data including location, date and time
of the flow test,
- occupancy classification, and
- design criteria (density, area etc.).
- Other Components
- location and type of ceiling suspended heaters,
- location and size of mezzanines, and
- location and size of storage racks.
A-4.1 (d)
A sprinkler system shall be provided in Government owned high
buildings. In the case of leased office spaces in unsprinklered
high buildings, spaces shall not be leased more than 36 m
above the fire department pumper vehicle access level unless
the lease agreement provides for the installation of a complete
sprinkler system within one year of the date of the lease
A-4.1 (f) and (g)
Historic and heritage buildings include many buildings that
are small and/or located in remote areas without adequate
water supplies (e.g. private residences, lighthouses, national
park buildings, farm buildings, etc.). Discretion and judgement
are needed in applying the requirements to such buildings,
as the cost of sprinkler protection may not be justifiable.
It is the intent of the standard that 4.2 be applied in
such cases.
The need for sprinkler protection in buildings that are
designated as "recognized" should be determined on the basis
of life safety and property protection considerations, without
reference to the heritage value of the building.
A-4.1 (k)
The requirements of the NBC are based on the assumption
that adequate water supply and fire fighting capabilities
are available in the event of a fire emergency.
A-7.3 (a) (iv)
Tests have shown that exposed combustible sprinkler piping
can fail under some fire conditions. A fire resistive membrane
is necessary for the protection of the combustible sprinkler
pipes and fittings. Any openings in the ceiling membrane
must be protected. This standard requires that the membrane
be of a fixed type such as gypsum board or plywood, because
it is not considered practical or economical to maintain
the integrity of a non-fixed type such as a fire-rated acoustical
tile ceiling system.
A-7.3 (a) (v)
The intent of this requirement is to minimize the risk of
damage to the combustible risers from other fire hazards
such as electrical cables, heating ducts, fuel lines and
other similar electrical and mechanical services.
A-7.6 (a) (i)
The preferred arrangement for testing pumps is measuring
water flow by using hose streams through a hose header.
Well water may be considered a source of water supply for
fire protection service provided (a) the well facilities
are reliable on a seasonal and year-to-year basis determined
by geotechnical studies and by regular inspection and flow
testing, (b) two or more wells are available, (c) two or
more pumps are provided, (d) with the largest well out of
service, the remaining wells are capable of providing the
design fire flow rate, with a suitable allowance for domestic
demand, (e) with the largest pump out of service, the remaining
pumps are capable of providing the design fire flow rate,
with a suitable allowance for domestic demand, (f) pumps
are automatic starting, and the controls arranged so that
the pumps do not sit idle for extended periods of time,
and (g) emergency power is provided to a sufficient number
of pumps to meet the required fire flow and domestic demand.
A-Table 8.1 (a)
In the case of a Government leased premises. the gross floor
area shall be the area occupied by the Government.
"2 plus 1 loop" means either a loop around the building
fed by two connections from the street main or 2 connections
supplied from a loop around the building.
A-8.1 (j)
Most municipalities prefer to have direct control of the
domestic water supply. In the case of fire, the domestic
water supply can be shut off without closing off the sprinkler
water supply.
A-8.1 (k)(iv)
Domestic connections with meters up to 50 mm in size may
be connected from any size sprinkler supply main provided
the connection is of metallic construction and the hydraulic
data is shown to substantiate maximum flows through the
meters. The maximum flow from the meter shall be added to
the calculated sprinkler system flow at the point of connection,
and the total flow shall be calculated to the street connection.
At the street connection, the domestic demand may be omitted
from the total demand since the domestic demand is considered
to have been taken into account in the water flow test.
A-8.6 (e)
The low water level is the minimum water level necessary
for the pump to operate.
A-8.6 (j)
NFPA 20 requires fire pumps to be listed for fire protection
service. The use of listed fire pumps for privately-owned
water supply systems is generally accepted as good fire
protection practice.
In spite of this, it is not common practice for municipal
water supply systems to use listed fire pumps. Agencies
such as Fire Underwriters' Survey (FUS) and American Water
Works Association (AWWA) recommend other means of achieving
overall system reliability, such as redundancy in pumps,
power supplies, and water sources. Municipal water systems
are also typically better supervised than private fire protection
water supply systems, and have better access to maintenance
and repair facilities.
In a combined domestic and fire protection water supply
system serving a small community, such as an Indian Reserve,
pumps are not required to be listed for fire service provided
adequate design measures are taken to ensure overall system
reliability. Guidance may be obtained from the FUS publication
"Water Supply for Public Fire Protection" and AWWA M31 -
"Manual of Water Supply Practices". Pumping capacity should
be sufficient, in conjunction with storage, when the single
most important pump is out of service, to maintain the maximum
daily demand rate plus the maximum required fire flow at
required pressure for the required duration. Systems using
electric pumps shall be provided with either an emergency
power supply or supplementary engine-driven pumps.
Control arrangements should provide for pumps to alternate
so that all are operated on a regular basis. Where this
is not practical, then standby pumps must be exercised on
a weekly basis similar to fire pumps.
Fire pumps and booster pumps serving individual properties
are required to be listed, in accordance with existing policy.
A-9.1 (c)
It is the intent of this requirement is to provide a water
flow detecting device on each storey of the building.
A-9.1 (e)
Similar supervised equipment, devices and conditions may
be annunciated as a group inside the sprinkler system valve
A-10.1 (d)
It is not the intent of this requirement to provide sprinkler
protection for kitchen hoods within single family dwelling
A-11.2 (a)
For the purpose of this standard, post-disaster building
means a building essential to provide services in the event
of a disaster. It includes hospitals, fire stations, police
stations, radio stations, telephone exchanges, power stations,
electrical substations, water pumping stations, fuel depot
buildings and air traffic control towers and facilities.
A-11.2 (b)
Ground acceleration and ground velocity that have a 10 per
cent probability of being exceeded in 50 years are the two
parameters used in establishing the seismic zones. These
seismic zones are based on a statistical analysis of the
earthquakes that have been experienced in the past using
a method that provides for inclusion of geological and tectonic
information in support of the seismic data. The assigned
zones in the Supplement to the National Building Code of
Canada reflect the opinions of experts in the fields of
seismology, geology and engineering, from industry, government
and universities, comprising members of the Canadian National
Committee on Earthquake Engineering and various relevant
committees responsible to the Associate Committee on the
National Building Code.
A-12.1 (d)
There is no limit on the pressure in the riser provided
that the riser is suitable for the maximum expected pressure
and is also hydrostatically tested.