1.3.1 Division 3, Section 03300 - Cast In Place Concrete
1.3.2 Division 4, Section 04200 - Unit Masonry
1.3.3 Division 7, Section 07900 - Joint Sealants.
1.3.4 Division 9, Section 09210 - Gypsum Plaster
1.3.5 Division 9, Section 09215 - Veneer Plaster
1.3.6 Division 9, Section 09250 - Gypsum Board
1.3.7 Division 9, Section 09260 - Shaftwall Systems
1.3.8 Division 9, Section 09265 - Area Separation Walls
1.3.9 Divisions 15, Section 15050- Basic Materials and Methods
1.3.10 Divisions 16, Section 16050- Basic Materials and Methods
1.4.1 Provide the work of this Section using competent installers,
experienced in the application of the
materials and systems being used, approved and trained by the
material or system manufacturer.
1.4.2 Firestop Systems shall conform to the (F) and (T) ratings
of ASTM E-814 and other local requirements of
Authorities Having Jurisdiction.
1.4.3 Firestop Materials and Smoke Seal materials shall have a
flame spread rating of 25 or less.
1.5.1 ASTM E-814 Standard Method of Fire Tests of Firestop Systems.
1.5.2 ASTM E-191 Standard Method of Fire Endurance Tests of Building
Construction and Materials.
1.5.3 ASTM E-84 Standard Method of Testing for Surface Burning
Characteristics of Building Materials and
1.6.1 Submit the following: Manufacturer’s Listed Systems Designs. Manufacturer’s Product Data Sheets. Manufacturer’s Materials Safety Data Sheets. Manufacturer’s printed instructions for installation
on each proposed product.
Manufacturer’s prefabricated devices providing descriptions
sufficient for identification at the Project site. Manufacturer’s Third Party Testing Agency Firestop
Systems Report (only if requested). Clearly indicate which firestop sealant products are single
component firestops and which are
multiple component (ones that require high temperature insulation
filler materials to comply with
the ASTM E-814 Standard). Samples of each type of firestopping and smoke seal material. Submit Trade Qualifications (TQ) Certificate or related
experience of each installer performing
work on the site. If an independent firestop contractor is engaged, a copy
of that contractors Liability Insurance
Policy. (This clause is optional in some jurisdictions)
1.7.1 Deliver and store materials in their original unopened containers.
Protect from damage and
environmental conditions as noted under manufacturer’s recommendations.
2.1.1 For the purposes of this specification there are NO GENERALLY
MANUFACTURERS. Only Firestop Systems tested to the ASTM E-814
Standard complete with Listed
Systems Designs showing their appropriate individual applications
are acceptable.
2.2.1 All Firestop Systems and Listed Systems Designs selected
for use shall be listed and tested by a
Standards a recognized and accredited Third Party Testing Agency
in accordance with ASTM E-814,
Standard Method of Fire Tests of Firestop Systems.
2.2.2 All Smoke Seal materials shall have been tested in accordance
with ASTM E-84 Standard Method of
Testing for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
and Assemblies and have a flame
spread classification of 25 or less.
2.2.3 Fire resistance ratings of installed Firestop Systems shall
not be less than the fire resistance rating of the
surrounding Fire Separation or Firewall.
2.2.4 All Listed Systems Designs selected for use shall have a
Smoke Seal incorporated within the ASTM E814
rated Firestop Systems.
2.2.5 All Firestop Materials that will come directly in contact
with plastic pipe or plastic coated wire shall have
undergone Firestop Material compatibility testing by the Firestop
Systems manufacturer and/or the pipe
or wire manufacturer.
2.2.6 Where moisture seals are required for floor penetrations
in Operating Rooms, Morgues, and
Laboratories in Hospitals, Universities and Schools, the Firestop
Materials selected must be compatible
with Formalin. (37% formaldehyde / 63% methanol)
2.2.7 All Firestop Materials and Smoke Seals shall have elastomeric
characteristics to allow for building settling
and seismic movement.
2.2.8 All Firestop Materials and Smoke Seals shall be free of
2.2.9 Site Firestop Systems must be installed in accordance with
the Listed System Design limitations, unless
a technical evaluation is approved by one of the acceptable Third
Party Testing Agencies.
2.2.10 All Listed Systems Designs used must provide an (F) and
(T) rating.
3.1.1 Examine sizes and conditions of voids to be filled to establish
correct thickness and installation of
Firestop Materials. If silicones are to be used ensure that substrates
and penetrating item surfaces are
dry, clean and frost free.
3.1.2 Prepare surfaces in contact with Firestop Systems and Smoke
Seals to manufacturer’s instructions.
3.1.3 Mask where necessary to avoid spillage and over coating
onto adjoining surfaces; remove stains on
adjacent surfaces.
ASTM E-814 tested and Listed Systems Designs govern all installations
of Firestop Systems and Firestop
3.2.2 In all Firestop Systems that require mineral wool or ceramic
fiber backer or filler materials, these
materials must be dry and free of other contaminants before, during
and after installation of sealant
Firestop Materials. Alkaline water contamination of the backer
or filler materials may cause corrosion of
metallic penetrating items.
3.2.3 Apply Firestop Systems and Smoke Seals in strict accordance
with manufacturer’s instructions and
Listed Systems Designs to provide required temperature and flame
rated seals, to prevent the passage
of fire and smoke, and where specifically designated, the passage
of fluids.
3.2.4 Provide temporary forming and packing as required.
3.2.5 Tool or trowel all exposed surfaces to smooth, neat and
tidy finish.
3.2.6 Notify Architect when completed installations are ready
for inspection and prior to concealing or enclosing
Firestop Systems and Smoke Seals.
3.3.1 Firestop and smoke seal gaps and holes in all Fire Separation
and Firewall construction through which
conduit, wire, cables, ductwork, piping and all other protrusions
pass as a result of Work using an
appropriate Listed System Design identifying substrate type, penetrating
material type, penetrating item
size, minimum and maximum annular space and overall “FTH”
3.3.2 In Combustible Construction (membrane GWB type) where the
framing members are wood a Fire and
Temperature rise “FT” rating is required equal to
that of the rating of the Fire Separation. Include
openings which have been formed and sleeved.
3.3.3 In Combustible Construction (membrane GWB type) where paper
faced insulation or combustible vapor
and air barriers are incorporated within the separation a Fire
and Temperature rise “FT” rating is required
equal to that of the rating of the Fire Separation.
3.3.4 In Combustible Construction (membrane GWB type), firestop
and smoke seal all through penetrations of
the faces as above and firestop and smoke seal all penetrations
that enter or exit (transverse) the edges
of one Fire Separation into another Fire Separation. (i.e. where
the header or sill plate is penetrated in
the interior of a wall separation into the hollow ceiling or floor
cavity of the adjacent separation).
3.3.5 In Combustible Construction (membrane GWB type), fire taping
of service penetrations and HVAC duct
work is not acceptable unless a tested ASTM E-814 Firestop Systems
is submitted.
3.3.6 Apply Firestop Systems at unpenetrated openings and sleeves
installed for future use through Fire
Separations and Firewalls.
3.3.7 Install 1/4” to 3/8” bead of firestop caulking
at interface of retaining angles around fire dampers, where
angles meet fire-rated assembly, and between retaining angles
and fire damper, both sides of
penetration. At floor locations, sealant bead at top of assembly
is adequate.
3.3.8 Where necessary, remove fiberglass insulation and replace
with mineral wool insulation from insulated
pipes and ducts where such services penetrate a Fire Separation
or Firewall unless the Listed Systems
Design permits such insulation to remain within the Firestop System.