High Rise Fires |
What is a high-rise building? How
does a high-rise building fire differ from a low-rise
building fire? Why can't the fire service extinguish
fires in high-rise buildings? Some reasons follow.
A high-rise building can be defined as a structure
more than 75 feet high if your aerial ladder reaches
only 75 feet or as a structure more than 40 feet high
if your highest ladder is a 40-foot extension ladder.
People trapped in a burning high-rise building who
cannot be reached by your highest ladder will leap
to their deaths, attempt to climb down knotted bedsheets
and fall, scribble notes telling where they are trapped
and drop them from smoky windows, or have their last
cries for help recorded on fire dispatchers' telephones.
When buildings are constructed beyond the reach of
a fire department's highest ladder, two important
firefighting strategies are taken away from firefighters.
First, life-saving victim removals using ladders are
eliminated. Searches and rescues can be accomplished
only from inside stairways. People trapped at windows,
when flames are between them and a stairway will have
to jump or bum to death. The second firefighting strategy
a high-rise building takes away in many cases is the
ability to extinguish a fire with an outside master
stream. The only strategy for a high-rise fire beyond
the reach of an aerial ladder is an interior attack.
Firefighters must extinguish the fire using handheld
hose streams advanced through heat and smoke from
an inside stairway. If this method fails, there is
no alternate plan. An outside attack is not an option.
The best-kept secret in America's
fire service is that firefighters cannot extinguish
a fire in a 20- or 30-thousand-square-foot open floor
area in a high-rise building. A fire company advancing
a 2 1/2-inch hoseline with a I 1/4-inch nozzle discharges
only 300 gallons per minute and can extinguish only
about 2,500 square feet of fire. The reach of the
streams is only 50 feet. A modern open-floor office
design, with cubicle work stations and dwarf partitions
that do not extend to the ceiling, allows fire to
spread throughout an entire 100- x 200-foot floor
area. A fully involved, free burning 20,000-square-foot
floor area cannot be extinguished by a couple of firefighters
spraying a hose stream from a stairway. City managers
and department chiefs will not admit this to the public
if they want to keep their jobs. But every fireground
commander knows this is a fact. What really happens
at a serious high-rise fire involving an entire floor
or more of the building is what we call "controlled
burning." Firefighters operating the hose stream maintain
a defensive position in the stairway for as long as
it takes for all the combustible contents to be consumed
by flames. To successfully contain a high-rise fire
to one floor and not kill large numbers of occupants
attempting to escape, it takes 40 to 50 firefighters
using a rapid-response, blitz attack. If this fails,
it will take another 100 to 200 additional firefighters
to control the fire and keep it from spreading to
adjoining buildings. If a community does not have
such a large number of firefighters available, then
every high-rise building must be fully protected with
an automatic sprinkler system. |
The long response time (the duration
of time from receipt of the alarm until the first
hose team discharges water on the fire) in a high-rise
building allows the flames to spread beyond firefighters'
control. The response time in a high-rise building
fire may be 15 minutes or more. At a high-rise building,
unlike a low-rise building, firefighters, after they
arrive they, may have to walk 1 00 to 200 feet through
an open space or large lobby. They then have to question
building employees about the fire location, check
an alarm panel, locate the stairs, and order air-conditioning
systems to be shut down. They also have to wait for
elevators when the fire is above stair-walking distance.
Firefighters using the elevators also must use a complex
key system to control elevators and stop the elevator
during its ascent to ensure it is working properly
and will not take them up to the floor where the fire
is raging. Then firefighters must get off the elevator
two or more floors below the fire and walk up stairs.
At the floor below, the fire hose and nozzles must
be connected to a standpipe outlet valve. At the street
level, supply hose from the pumper must be connected
to the siamese inlet to the building. After all this,
the door to the large high-rise office may have to
be forced open by breaking the lock, and a search
for the exact location of the fire is started. In
a typical large office high-rise, some 150 rooms and
cubicles within a 20,000-square-foot smoke-filled
office floor must be searched before the fire is discovered.
After this, the hose is stretched to this point and
the fire is finally extinguished. None of this delay
exists at a fire in a low-rise building. After 15
minutes of response time for a fire in a high-rise
building, firefighters may discover the fire is too
large to extinguish. The fire spreads out of the room
along the ceiling and forces them to withdraw off
the floor out into the stair enclosure. |
Firefighter's battling a fire in
a high-rise building depend on the building systems
for success in extinguishment. The elevator system
must take them, tools, and equipment up to the fire.
The standpipe system must provide water pressure and
volume to the upper floors. A building communication
system must allow fire department firefighting radio
transmission in these steel skyscrapers. If any of
these building systems fail or are not present, firefighters
will be unable to extinguish the fire. Today, many
building systems have been discovered to be defective
or nonexistent. For example, in New York City, an
eight-year study of 179 major fires revealed elevators
failed at 59 fires-at one-third of the major fires.
Fire, heat, or water caused electrical malfunctions
in elevators. At some fires, elevators took firefighters
up to the fire floor instead of the floor two or more
levels below the fire. At other fires, the elevators
stalled, trapping firefighters inside stuck cars.
Also, some elevator cages would not recall to the
lobby for searching. |
High-rise buildings have sealed or
locked windows that require keys to open them. High-rise
buildings may be considered windowless buildings.
Venting by breaking thick glass windows is extremely
dangerous. Failing glass can injure people on the
sidewalk and cut supply hose lines. Firefighters must
fight high-rise fires like cellar fires that cannot
be vented. Because these buildings are sealed, large
volumes of heat and smoke generated by the fire become
trapped in the structure. This giant smoke cloud,
which often darkens the sky after being vented at
a low-rise building fire, is trapped inside and spreads
throughout the sealed high-rise building. The so-called
"stack effect" (the result of the temperature difference
between the inside and outside of a sealed high-rise
building) causes smoke to spread up or down many floors
during a fire in a high-rise. This temperature difference
creates within the sealed structure pressure differences
capable of moving large volumes of smoke and heat
uncontrollably during a high-rise fire. The uncontrollable
smoke movement caused by the stack effect is another
reason window venting is ineffective during a high-rise
fire. |
One of the reasons modern skyscrapers
are not fire-resistive is the central air-conditioning
system installed in some of them. A central air system
in a high-rise building interconnects 10 to 20 floors
for the purpose of heating and cooling. Ducts, shafts,
and poke-through holes penetrate fire-resistive floors,
walls, and ceilings. These air-conditioning openings
and holes allow fire and smoke to spread throughout
the 10 or 20 air-conditioned floors of a high-rise
building. A high-rise hotel fire in Las Vegas, Nevada,
spread fire and smoke through the central air-conditioning
system and killed 85 people in rooms on upper floors.
The air system was not equipped with smoke detectors
arranged to shut down the system during an emergency.
In addition, the fire dampers-shutters designed to
stop spread of fire in ducts and shafts of the air-conditioning
system--did not close properly. Smoke, heat, and flame
were pumped throughout the so-called fire-resistive
hotel by the air-conditioning system. |
The standpipe system at the Los
Angeles First Interstate building was shut down for
repairs at the time of the fire. There was insufficient
water pressure for the first 40 minutes of the fire
because the building fire pumps were not operating
and the standpipe hose lines were cut by falling glass.
Another serious design defect at this high-rise fire
was the installation of standpipe aluminum outlet
valves inside the occupancies. The flames melted the
aluminum valves, allowing water to drain from the
standpipe system. At the Philadelphia One Meridian
Plaza high-rise fire, pressure regulating valves on
the standpipe outlet were set at low pressures and
were non-field-adjustable without a special tool,
unavailable at the time of the fire. This prevented
the firefighters from extinguishing the fire and allowed
it to spread. |
Communication is necessary to command
and coordinate a high-rise fire. Fire officers working
to extinguish the fire must communicate with fire
officers conducting search and rescue. Everyone on
the upper floors must communicate with the command
post in the lobby or street. The structural steel
framework of a high-rise building interferes with
fire department radios. Tests conducted on the 110-
story World Trade Center and the 102-story Empire
State Building revealed fire department radios transmit
only up to the 65th floor. There can be no command
control and coordination at a high-rise fire without
fire department radio transmission. Rockefeller Center
and other high-rise buildings are installing communication
antenna systems. A radio antenna installed throughout
all floors allows local fire department handheld radios
to transmit throughout the high-rise building on all
floors. All new high-rise buildings constructed should
be tested to determine if fire department radios can
transmit to all floors. If not, antennas must be installed.
Most high-rise buildings are classified
as "fire-resistive" structures, but from an operational
perspective, they are not. The goal of a fire-resistive
building should be to confine fire to one floor, barring
an explosion or collapse that would destroy part of
the compartmentation. The walls, floors, and ceilings
of a fire-resistive building are supposed to contain
the fire. This is not true today. There is no fire-resistive
building. |
Firefighters cannot order all the
people in a high-rise building to leave during a fire.
It is not possible for thousands of people to leave
a burning building quickly. It would take several
hours. High-rise firefighting strategy is supposed
to "defend in place"--extinguish the fire while most
of the occupants remain inside the building. So, at
high-rise fires, we do not have another option that
is available at low-rise building fires. At a low-rise
building fire, strategy can be to extinguish the fire
and evacuate the people at the same time. A defend-in-place
strategy depends on two factors: that the building
has the ability to contain fire to a particular area
and that the occupants will obey the fire chief's
instruction to stay in place. Neither of these assumptions
is necessarily true. High-rise buildings are not fire-resistive,
and people leave the high-rise buildings during a
fire regardless of instructions to do otherwise. At
the World Trade Center terrorist explosion and fire
in New York City (February 26, 1993), 50,000 people
(25,000 in each tower) left the building without instructions
because the building communication system was damaged
and fire department radios would not transmit to the
upper floors of the high-rise steel structure. One
of the lessons learned at this fire, as stated in
the chief of department's post-fire analysis, was
that "the 'defend-in-place' strategy does not exist."
High-Rise Fires Cause $235 Million in Property Damage
a Year |