Fire Stopping Glossary of Terms 2
Exposed Side -The exposed surface of an
assembly refers to the surface facing the fire
during a test. |
Galv – Abbreviation for Galvanized. |
F Rating (in the Untied States) or “FH” Rating
(in Canada) – The time in hours that a firestop
system will prevent the passage of flames
through an opening and not permit the projection
of water stream through a fire rated assembly as
determined by standard test methods ASTM E814,
UL 1479 or CAN/ULC S115. |
Intumescent - A material that swells or expands
when exposed to direct flame or high heat (300°
F, 150°C). Produced for firestopping materials in
several forms; caulks, pipe collars, wrap strips,
sticks and pads. Most common usage is to close
gaps and voids when plastic pipe has melted. |
F Rating (in Canada) – The time in hours that a
firestop system will prevent the passage of
flames through an opening in a fire rated
assembly as determined by standard test
methods CAN/ULC S115. |
Joint - The linear opening between adjacent fire-
resistive assemblies. A joint is a division of a
building that allows independent movement of
the building, in any plane, which may be caused
by thermal, seismic, wind loading or any other
loading.* |
Fire-Resistive Joint System – is an
assemblage of specific material or products that
are designed, tested and fire-resistive in
accordance with UL 2079 to resist, for a
prescribed period of time, the passage of fire
through foints made in or between fire
resistance-rated assemblies. |
Joint System - A device or designed
construction feature that provides a continuous
transition in linear openings between adjacent
fire resistive structures. A joint system consists
of the device or designed construction feature
but does not include the fire resistive structure in
which it is installed.** |
Firestop System – A specific construction
consists of any materials or device intended to
close off an opening or penetration during a fire
and/or materials that fill an opening in a wall or
floor assembly where penetration is by cables,
cables trays, conduits, ducts, pipes, and any
poke through termination device. |
Fireblocking - Building material installed to
resist the free passage of flame and gases to
other areas of the building through small-
concealed spaces.* |
Ga – Abbreviation for Gauge. |
Fire Separation Wall - A fire-resistive rated
assembly of materials having protected
openings, which is designed to restrict the
spread of fire. |
Listed System Design – An informational listing
by an Accredited Testing Agency developed
from Passive Fire Protection Partners Reports
depicting the correct use and installation of
firestop materials. These published listings
contain drawings depicting geometry,
minimum/maximum dimensions for all the
individual components tested including
penetration item types and size, annular space,
insulating materials used, substrate types and
thickness, sealant types and thickness, etc. |
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