On May 13,2000 about 100 tonnes of fireworks
and other explosives detonated after a fire in the factory
of S.E. Fireworks, situated in the middle of the working
class housing estate of Mekkelholt in the northern Dutch
city of Enschede. The blast was felt up to 30 kilometres
In a split second almost 400 houses were reduced to their
foundations and another 1,000 damaged. Eighteen people were
killed. A further 946 were injured, 23 of whom are still
being treated in nearby hospitals—four in intensive
care. Three people are still missing and the number of victims
could well increase. Twelve days after the catastrophe the
search for victims under the ruins at the centre of the
blast was abandoned.
Investigations into the cause of the explosion have brought
to light a multitude of facts testifying to the negligence
of the factory owners and the authorities.
That the facility stood in the middle of a housing estate
for over 20 years has caused a sensation. The initial assumption—that
the factory had been there first and the housing settlement
only later built around it—was soon refuted. The estate,
built in the 1920s, is inhabited mainly by foreigners, students
and the unemployed. Approximately 2,500 people from 10 nations—including
Turkey, Ghana, Morocco and the former Dutch colony of Surinam—reside
there. The attempt being made to shift responsibility for
the suffering onto the victims themselves can only be met
with indignation. In light of the tragedy, it makes little
difference whether the construction of the fireworks factory
in a residential area was officially approved or, on the
other hand, the housing estate was allowed to develop around
such a plant already existing there.
It is a scandal that apparently no one—from among
the local authorities or the surrounding residents—knew
of the existence of a potential disaster. Even the fire
brigade was unaware of what they were getting involved in
when they set off after a routine alarm to put out a fire
at what they believed was a paper warehouse.
It is not excluded that the catastrophe came to assume
such horrifying dimensions precisely because of this lack
of knowledge on the part of the fire fighters. Inquisitive
passers-by were not warned away, nor were measures undertaken
to evacuate nearby houses. Even more seriously, it is possible
that an attempt was made to extinguish burning magnesium
and other chemicals with water. As a result the catalyst
for the climactic explosion could have been produced. Magnesium,
which burns reaching a temperature of over 1000 degrees
Celsius, splits water into its chemical components of hydrogen
and oxygen. Oxyhydrogen and a subsequent detonation is the
result. Pouring oil onto the fire could not have had worse
consequences. As a result, four firemen paid for their bravery
with their lives.
But even if these mistakes in handling the explosion were
to be eventually confirmed, this would only explain what
triggered the catastrophe. Its real causes flow from the
fact that the firm responsible was able to stockpile, apparently
unhindered, large quantities of dangerous materials stacked
closely together. Furthermore it seems the firm was allowed
to carry on its business regardless of the most basic safety
In 1977 S.E. Fireworks was authorised to store up to 16
tonnes of fireworks, classes I and II. Twenty years later
the firm received permission to accumulate and deposit together
large fireworks. This entailed an extension of its warehouse
capacity through official authorisation in 1997 and 1999.
On the fateful day of the explosion, 158 tonnes of material
of pyrotechnic class IV were stored on the premises.
However, safety measures were not implemented to keep up
with this scale of development. The material was not kept
in underground bunkers, as is the norm in such cases and
officially prescribed. Instead it was stored in ship containers,
arranged closely together at ground level, and not separated
either by customary earth walls or any other form of partitioning.
On top of all this, as can be determined from aerial photographs
of the factory area shortly before the disaster as well
as from the statement of a fireman, the doors of the containers
were often left standing open. That such an occurrence was
the rule rather than the exception can be observed from
various newspaper reports. In these reports Martin Volk,
the leading pyrotechnic expert of the Berlin County Office
for Criminal Investigation, had the opportunity to give
his impressions of S.E. Fireworks from a visit last November.
Volk noticed at the time the open container doors and the
direct proximity of the housing community—something
highly unusual for this kind of industry. The premises also
lacked lightning conductors, emergency escape routes and
any kind of safety construction. The stockpiled goods were
even falsely labelled, warning of less danger than was actually
the case. Volk commented: “The whole depot was full
of striking irregularities ... right in the middle of a
residential area.”
Nevertheless, Volk shared the view of other experts that
even this degree of negligence was not enough to explain
an explosion of the magnitude that occurred in Enschede.
The public prosecutor's office has in the meantime voiced
the suspicion that the owners of S.E. Fireworks were storing
and processing great quantities of illegal materials on
the site. An international arrest warrant was issued for
Ruud Bakker and his partner Willem Pater, who gave themselves
up to police a week after the explosion.
It would be a mistake, however, to limit responsibility
for the catastrophe to a couple of criminal types who committed
excesses in their playing with fire. While is it apparent
that Bakker and Pater had not the least respect for the
law, their behaviour was encouraged by the local authorities
and politicians in general.
Year after year, the two men now under arrest were able
to secure renewed official permission to store explosives
in large quantities and in containers. This permission was
granted them by an authority of no less than the Dutch Ministry
of Defence. A few days before the disaster, an official
commission had inspected the factory premises and deemed
them safe. Only last December this same commission had dismissed
from office its head inspector, Major W. Ceelen, on suspicion
of accepting bribes. In return for cash payment, Ceelen
had issued fireworks with licences to operate and evidence
of his involvement with S.E. Fireworks was found among his
documents. Under these circumstances a more thorough investigation
would have been more than appropriate.
Moreover, the regulations concerning the operation of such
dangerous plants and warehouses were scarcely adequate for
a country that is supposed to adhere to the highest European
standards. In fact the use of containers for such storage
was officially authorised. This is despite the fact that
in another case in 1997 such containers had been judged
by the state technical investigations institute, TNO, as
totally unsuitable for the safe storage of explosives such
as those used in the production of large fireworks. They
are able to withstand fire for only four minutes and not,
as officially required, for at least an hour. Local Deputy
Mayor Eric Helder commented: “We had to authorise
the containers, there was simply no alternative within the
existing legal framework.”
It should be remembered, however, that the legal conditions
now in existence did not appear out of the blue. They are
the consequence of self-imposed restrictions on the powers
of politicians vis-à-vis big business. Since 1982
these restrictions have been increasingly making their mark
in society in the wake of the so-called Dutch “Polder
Model”. Euphemistically referred to in Germany as
“practical constraints”, they serve to justify
letting companies do what they want.
The Dutch government's recent appointment of an “independent”
commission to look into the causes of the catastrophe should
not be seen as evidence that it intends to clarify why the
disaster happened, but rather as an indication that it has
something to hide. This commission will be used to win time,
just like the one appointed in 1992 when an Israeli transport
plane crashed in the Amsterdam suburb of Bijlmermeer and
43 people were killed. In deference to the on-going investigation
(which is due to conclude its deliberations at the end of
the year) every embarrassing question will be fobbed off.
In the meantime, the parliamentary committee of enquiry
in relation to the former commission (dealing with the Israeli
plane crash) has been able to bring evidence of serious
transgressions. However, there have been no consequences
for those responsible and public interest has long since
shifted to other concerns.
The public prosecutor's office has also called for a news
blackout with respect to the two owners of S.E. Fireworks
under arrest, because “they need some peace and quiet”.
Although the exact circumstances of the explosion will
remain obscure for some time, one aspect is becoming more
and more obvious. The progressive freeing of capital from
economic and social restraints is being accompanied by an
increasing lack of responsibility on the part of firms and
authorities in relation to the needs and even the lives
of the general population. Deregulation and total submission
to market requirements—as practised since 1982 in
the guise of the “Polder Model”, the Dutch variant
of the German “contract for labour”—are
not bringing universal prosperity, or even a reduction in
unemployment. Rather they are resulting in low-paid jobs,
uncontrollable catastrophes and enormous suffering.
Finally, let us consider a claim repeatedly made at times
of international catastrophes. It is asserted that such
occurrences would be impossible in a country like Germany
because of the stricter laws in place there. This is the
sort of thing that is spread around by Klaus Gotzen, business
manager of the German Alliance of the Pyrotechnic Industry.
Firstly, the existence of a law in Germany does not exclude
the possibility that such a law will be broken. Railway
safety regulations were not able to prevent the Inter-City
Express disaster at Eschede in 1998. But an even greater
danger stems from the fact that the German government has
emulated the “Dutch model” for years, and the
state's withdrawal from assuming responsibility for the
setting of guidelines has become the goal of all politicians.
Deregulation is the most urgent demand of the business world.
Deregulation is the measure of how “modern”
a politician is regarded.
Since the catastrophe at Enschede only a few weeks ago,
three illegal fireworks depots have been vacated in Holland
alone, and one of these was no more than 20 kilometres away
from Enschede. In Berlin it has been discovered that in
the municipal district of Neukölln—a poorer residential
area comparable to the Mekkelholt housing estate—there
exists a fireworks depot bunker which neither the residents
nor the fire brigade had known anything about.