NFPA Fire Report of Düsseldorf
Airport Fire |
On Thursday, April 11, 1996, a fire in anoccupied
passenger terminal at the airportin Düsseldorf,
Germany, killed 17 people and injured 62.The fire
began at approximately 3:31 p.m., about the time someone
reported seeing sparks falling from the ceiling int
he vicinity of a flower shop at the east end of the
arrivals hall on the first floor. When two fire fighters
from the Airport Fire Brigade responded curb side
to the terminalat 3:33 p.m., they detected an odo
rinside the building and asked that an electrician
respond, as problems with the motors on the automaticdoors
in the area had been reportedin the past. At 3:38
p.m., however,smoke was seen coming from thevents
in the flower shop, and the ceiling began to glow
and drop burning members. All airport apparatus and
personnel were requested and were on the scene by
3:40 p.m. |
At 3:58 p.m., a very rapid fire buildup occurred throughout
a large area of the first level of the terminal, and
the Düsseldorf Fire Brigade was called.Two engines,
a ladder, a water tanker, and a command officer responded
to the scene at 4:07 p.m.By that time, heavy smoke and
fire was showing from the doors on the first level,
and the officer requested the equivalent of a second
alarm. At 4:15p.m., 44 minutes after the initial alarm,
he requested that all city units respond immediately
to help in the operation. By the time the fire was extinguished,
701 personnel from 12 different rescueservices or municipalities
had responded to the inci-dent on 215 pieces of apparatus |
The fire was finally declared under control at
7:20p.m., 3 hours and 49 minutes after the first report
of sparks was called in.According to the Düsseldorf
Fire Brigade, seven ofthe victims died in two elevators,
five in one and two in another. It was determined
that some of the people were on the roof of the parking
garagewatching planes take off and land when they
saw smoke coming from the terminal and decided to
leave using the elevators. Unfortunately, the elevators
opened into the fire area on the firstlevel. Eight
more victims died in aVIP lounge on the third level,which
was a mezzanine overlookingthe second, or departure,
level of the building. Another victim died in a lavatory,
although his exact location is not known. The location
of the last victim, who died several weeks after the
fire, is also unknown at this time.German authorities
determined that the fire began when a welder working
on expansion plates in aroadway above the lower level
of the terminal building ignited the polystyrene insulation
used in the void above the ceiling on the first level.
The smoke and flames spread throughout the first level,then
extended to the second level through unprotected open
stairwells and escalator openings. The fire did significant
damage in the vicinity of the stairwells, and heavy
smoke damage throughou tapproximately two-thirds of
the second and thirdlevels. Smoke also spread to the
fourth level through unprotected escalator openings.
The area where the fire occurred was not equipped
with any automatic sprinkler systems. Dry stand-pipes
were located in the stairwells on the curb sideof
the terminal building, but they were not connect ed
to a municipal water supply and had to becharged by
fire apparatus. The building was also equipped with
an alarm system that used voice annunciation in German,
French, and English.Manual pull stations and smoke
detectors were located throughout the building, but
there was nosmoke detection in the void, since it
reportedly was not used as a return air plenum.The
airport was completely shutdown for 3 1/2 days following
thefire. Limited operations wererestored the Monday
after theblaze, and the airport was back to90 percent
operations as of July 1,1996. Tents and hangars were
usedas temporary terminals.Several factors were determinedto
have contributed significantly to the loss of life
and propertyd amage:Several factors were determined
to have contributed significantly to the loss of life
and property damage:
Several factors were determined to have contributed
significantly to the loss of life and property damage:
- Failure of workmen to take adequate precautions
during welding operations
- The presence of combustible insulation in the
ceiling void above the lower level of the terminal
- A lack of automatic suppression systems in the
void and in the occupied area of the terminal
- Unprotected vertical openings that allowed the
fire and smoke to spread to the upper levels
- The transmission of erroneous information over
the voice annunciation system during the first 10
minutes of alarm activation.
- The ability to shut down the public address system
in the lounges. (This system was also used to transmit
the emergency voice announcements.)
- Inadequate means of egress capabilities from the
VIP lounge on the mezzanine level
- Two occupied elevators that opened directly into
the fire area
Other significant factors that arose during the fireground
operations include the following:
- Lack of adequate communications capabilities between
the command staff and the fire fighting units
- Insufficient radio frequencies available for fire
ground operations
- Lack of awareness of the building layout
- No fire fighter accountability system
- Insufficient command staff to manage the incident